Creation of Company

So far, one of the most challenging parts of establishing my own practice has been deciding on a title. For weeks I created lists of words, tried mind-mapping and coloring, matched various word pairs, asked for opinions… I wanted something that felt authentic to me and my mission. I wanted something that aligned with my clinical perspective.

I chose Mindful because I am continuously reminded of the power and importance of mindfulness. It is difficult for me because it is the opposite of anxiety. It requires intention and awareness. It is also the most common coping skill that I teach clients- focusing your attention in the present, the here and now.. I attended a DBT training a couple weeks ago and saw this definition for mindfulness in the presentation that deeply resonated with me: “…to remove the illusion of separateness and experience the reality that we are all connected.” (Side note: I went down a rabbit hole about the illusion of separateness trying to find the author of the quote. I did not find that answer; I did find some amazing quotes that also resonated with me by Thich Nhat Hanh though.) I am thankful I chose this word.

I chose Perceptions because I am constantly reminded how powerful our senses are (sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell). They are the pathways in which we learn and experience the world. Focusing on your environment through a specific sense requires you to be present and allows you to escape your thought processes temporarily. It can be as simple as sitting quietly and listening to the various sounds you detect or touching the textures within reach. Any action that slows your racing thoughts or neutralizes your mood is a blend of mindfulness and perception. Also, the idea that each person perceives different data about an experience is fascinating to me. For these reasons, Mindful Perceptions was born.

“When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace, and love.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

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GeneralAlexandria Turnbow