Wellness Perspective

At Mindful Perceptions, we view mental health like a plant and counselors as helpers in tending the garden. We have many seeds that are planted each day. If you nurture them, they can grow. If you neglect them, they may not receive the nutrients they need to survive. Just because you do not see results immediately does not mean that it is not working; you wouldn’t just stop watering your plant or taking care of it if that were the case. Yet often, we do not give that same care and attention to our own wellness. It often takes time to grow strong and see significant results. However, with patience and the right elements, it can thrive. Another part of therapy is digging around and uprooting weeds that have taken over our mental gardens. It is sometimes frustrating yet also vital to the health and growth of new plants.

We believe it is important that individuals learn how to appropriately express a range of emotions. We do not believe in “bad” emotions or getting rid of them, even though we all have unwanted feelings at times. Feelings are our bodies way of trying to tell us something. We can utilize metaphors and observable patterns to help you gain self-awareness and make sense of your experiences. We sometimes focus on learning about the past to help you make changes in the present that align with your future goals.

Each client is viewed as an individual and therapy is tailored to their personality and needs. Utilizing interventions from Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Expressive Arts, Hypnotherapy, etc. helps us achieve your goals. At the same time, we all exist within systems, which means there is power in exploring relationships and interactions between individuals and how they affect one another. We are passionate about helping clients learn how to understand and nurture their relationships (intimate and familial). We also enjoy working with couples and families to explore these connections.