Maya Burnett, MS

Registered Mental Health Counseling Intern (IMH25877)

What you seek is seeking you -Rumi

Seeking help is not easy, neither is learning how to be mindful about what shapes our perceptions. This is where I come in; allow me to help you build the bridge that you walk over towards understanding and healing. However, you must take the first step and that is sometimes uncomfortable and difficult, I know from personal experience. Accountability is the catalyst to change, and we all possess this superpower.

A little about me: my name is Maya, and I am passionate about helping others, as well as remaining curious about the things that we may simply not understand about ourselves and our experiences. I am a lover of music, poetry, and trying new foods (foodie). I am originally from the Midwest, but I also had the pleasure of being a Georgian and Tennessean. I also believe that every therapist needs a therapist and am an advocate for holding space for each other. Being a client and counselor simultaneously allows one to connect and have true understanding and empathy, as my mother would say, “practice what we preach”. I completed my undergraduate degree at UCF in Social Science with concentrations in Psychology, Sociology, and Women and Gender Studies and my graduate degree at Palm Beach Atlantic University earning a master's in science, Clinical Mental Health Counseling.  

Oftentimes finding or seeking who we truly are can feel like we are traveling through a maze. Life has many twists, turns, and detours. At times, this causes us to feel “stuck”. We must remember we are not just our limitations; neither are we just our strengths, for that matter. We simply are a collection of things that make us unique. We must always remember that our perception shapes our reality. As we embark on this journey of “seeking” love, growth, clarity, healing, etc., what if I told you all these things are seeking us.

My job is to teach you to be mindful and to help you “think about what you’re thinking about”. The key is to be still enough to hear the silence and not be fearful of it. In fear, we cannot accomplish “the work’. Through my teachings,  I've learned that this will take for us to acknowledge our inner critic and dare to speak louder than them. This is not easy; however, it is imperative. When we turn inward, we unlock what we seek, our true selves. Let's embark on the journey and instead of hide lets seek. Afterall, what you seek is seeking you.