
I listen to audio-books and podcasts on my morning commutes. A consistent theme from some of my favorite authors (Brené Brown, Rachel Hollis, etc.) has been gratitude. Often we get so consumed with focusing on what we don’t have and comparing ourselves to others that we forget to appreciate what we do have. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because the sole purpose is to spend time with family and friends, appreciating good food and each other’s presence. We don’t have to limit this to one day though. Starting a gratitude journal or having a daily gratitude ritual can be a consistent reminder of the silver lining on the darkest day. I am surrounded by wonderful, generous people who have helped me start Mindful Perceptions and I want to express my gratitude for them now.

My aunt Penelope has encouraged me to follow in her footsteps as an entrepreneur since day 1. She believes in me, advises me, and invests in me, even when I doubt myself. She is a constant role model in my life. I have my extremely talented best friend Zoe to thank for my logo and business cards. Her creativity brought my vision to life. My life would be so dull without my soulmate. My boyfriend Ian has helped me with all of the technical behind the scenes stuff I never knew I needed. He has been so patient with me, answering my many questions and pushing me to succeed. Zac, my supervisor, challenged me to uncover the confidence needed to make my goal a reality. He guides me towards being the best clinician that I can be. I am also grateful for each and every person that has reviewed my website, made suggestions, and encouraged me along the way.

I want you to take a few minutes to write down (or type) what you are grateful for right now. It can be people or things, something big or small. Remind yourself of all that you have to be thankful for today.

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” - Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

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Alexandria Turnbow