Maintaining Lifestyle Changes Post-Pandemic

COVID-19 disrupted everyday life, changing how we learned, worked, relaxed, and interacted with friends and family. Some adaptations should be quickly abandoned when the pandemic finally ends, but others can continue to prove beneficial in your life as the world moves forward. Mindful Perceptions shares a few lifestyle changes that should be here to stay:

1. Home Environments Designed with Comfort in Mind

Quarantine forced everyone to look at their homes with fresh eyes, and many people didn't like what they saw. One analysis revealed that Google searches for home improvements were 50% higher during the summer of 2020 compared to 2019. People used their time at home to redecorate, expand, plant gardens, and get organized in an effort to make the places they lived in more beautiful and comfortable. Dramatic changes aren't necessary to continue this trend post-pandemic. Studies have found that color can have a positive impact on mood. Doing something as simple as repainting or adding some accent pillows to your living room may make a difference in your mental health.

2. Shifts in Career Goals

Research shows that one in three working Americans lost or changed their job during the first year of the pandemic. Along with hardships, this upheaval has brought opportunities for people to reevaluate their career goals. If you're reluctant to return to your previous grind, consider starting your own business. One important first step is choosing a business structure. Limited liability companies (LLCs) are popular because of their tax advantages and overall simplicity. Laws governing LLCs vary from state to state, so familiarize yourself with the rules established by Florida lawmakers. Using a LLC formation service can ensure you comply with regulations while saving you the expense of attorney fees.

3. Spending More Time Outdoors

Public park usage increased during the pandemic as people looked for safe ways to get out of the house. As entertainment venues, restaurants, bars, and gyms reopen, don't forget about those local green spaces. Outdoor activities have been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression and improve brain function. Plus, time spent in the sunshine triggers your body's production of vitamin D.

4. Buying Local

Shutdowns wreaked havoc on companies of all sizes, but the effects were felt most by small businesses. The Federal Reserve Board estimates that the number of small business closures exceeded normal levels by 25% to 33% during the first year of the pandemic. To save beloved restaurants and mom-and-pop shops, people pushed to buy local. Continuing to patronize these small businesses post-pandemic can help support your local economy. Plus, you'll likely get to know the owners and employees, strengthening your relationship with your neighbors.

5. Focusing on What You Love

The pandemic brought what really matters into focus. Many people discovered new passions that shouldn't be abandoned. The World Health Organization advises that reducing screen time and engaging in enjoyable hobbies instead can have a positive impact on mental health.

Build a New Normal; Don't Return to the Old

Your life post-pandemic doesn't have to be identical to your previous one. The changes you've made to your home, leisure time, buying habits, and personal priorities and goals have the potential to make your after-COVID normal a happier, healthier one than you experienced before.

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Emma Grace Brown